National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - Educational Resources

September 30, 2021

As we join millions of Canadians to observe and honour our nation’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we recognize the need for the educational aspect being perhaps one of the most important ways in which we can honor this day of Truth and Reconciliation.

For us at RedBit, it is not just about one day, it is about ensuring that we arm ourselves with truth and educate ourselves and our children on matters which impact Canada and its people. So, take some time, today, tomorrow, or whenever you choose to start or continue your path of education on these matters.



Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action  

Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada: The Survivors Speak  

Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Residential School History  


Five Little Indians, Michelle Good  

Seven Fallen Feathers, Tanya Talaga  

Indian Horse, Richard Wagamese  



CBC Telling Our Twisted Histories: “Reconciliation” (25:42)

CBC Telling Our Twisted Histories: "School" (24:03)  

CBC Telling Our Twisted Histories: "Reserve" (24:51)  

CBC Unreserved: What Happens When Hidden Histories Become a National Conversation? (46:03) 

CBC Unreserved: What Does it Mean to Give Land Back to Indigenous Communities? (47:21) 7 Indigenous-themed podcasts to enlighten you  



The Indian Act Explained (25:35)  

Residential Schools in Canada: A Timeline (5:39)  

Social Campaigns/Events  


#94in94 Campaign via @reconciliationthunder @circlesforreconciliation  

Truth and Reconciliation Week Online Events via National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (Facebook)  

Water First
Raven Trust
True North Aid
True north aid/ Moontime Sisters


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